Zaintza eta elkarkidetza-sareak espazio publiko bila. Tokioko jolas-parkeen kasua

This article aims at investigatin the social role that children playgrounds play in Greater Tokyo for mothers responsible of childcare. It focuses on the possiblilities provided by these spaces for creating relationships and cooperation networks among the high number of women exclusively dedicated t...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 430439 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Barcenilla García, Haizea
Otros Autores: Suzuki, Mio
ISSN: 1889-7185
Idioma: Euskera
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Aldiri: arkitektura eta abar N. 30 (2017)
Resumen: This article aims at investigatin the social role that children playgrounds play in Greater Tokyo for mothers responsible of childcare. It focuses on the possiblilities provided by these spaces for creating relationships and cooperation networks among the high number of women exclusively dedicated to childcare and sometimes isolated from othe networks due to this dedication.
Artukulu honek Tokio Handiko julas-parkeek betezen duten funtzio soziala aztertzen du, zaintzaren garrantzia azpimarratuz. Umeak zaintzera dedikatutako emakume kopuru altua eta lan horrek maiz dakarren egoer sozial isolatua ikusirik, parkeek harremana eta elkarkidetza sortzeko ematen duten aukera ikertzen da.