Los bolos a katxete en Barakaldo y en la zona minerofabril (1865-2018). II = +Bowling in a katxete Barakaldo and in the Mining-Manufacturing area (1865-2018). II

The text that follows constitutes an update -untis the moment of its writing (2018)- of what is stated in the article of identical denomination, published in No. 20 of Kobie. Cultural Anthropology (2016-2017), with special emphasis on the clear incorporation of women into the competitions of the tra...

Descripción completa

Número de control: 446446 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Homobono Martínez, José Ignacio
ISSN: 0214-7939
Idioma: Español
Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Kobie. Antropología cultural N?. 21 (2018)