La tribu global del fútbol. Rituales e identidades en transformación en las finales de la UEFA Champions League = The Global Tribe of Football. Rituals and Identities in Transformation at the Finals of the UEFA Champions League

In this paper we observe the changes produced in the ceremonial of the UEFA Champions League finals, the main European competition of male football clubs, from its beginning to the present (1993-2018). Attending the ritualization at the previous moments and after the game, we analyse a wide range of...

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Número de control: 447534 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: González Ramallal, Manuel Eduardo
Otros Autores: Castilla Vallejo, José Luis, Mesa López, Aníbal
ISSN: 1695-6494
Idioma: Español
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Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: Papeles del CEIC, International Journal on Collective Identity Research N?. 1 (Marzo 2020)