Percepción femenina del acoso callejero = Female perceptions of street harassment

Street harassment is sanctioned in many Western countries. However, there are few studies examining street harassment in Spain. After surveying 1659 women of different ages about street harassment, we observed that 1% of the women did not feel harassed at any time, while 32% indicated that they had...

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Número de control: 450434 Artículo de revista
Autor Principal: Varela Lérida, Sergio
Otros Autores: Rueda Sánchez Jauregui, Pablo, Caja Peralta, Nerea
ISSN: 1988-7949
Idioma: Español
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Ejemplares relacionadas: Publicado en: International e-journal of criminal sciences Extraordinario N?. 14 (2019)